Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Dances with wolves"

I watched (again) "Dances with wolves" yesterday. It is a surprisingly "spirit inhabited" movie. 
I acknowledged once more my bond with that land, that space, and the culture that prevailed amongst some of these native American tribes. The same than the one I experience every time I am in the US Parks.  
The photography and light in the movie express this uniqueness in a beautiful manner. 
However, it was hard for me to refrain from crying from almost the beginning till the end. 
The sense of loss and damage I felt by the end was so big, so overwhelming, that it  became almost unbearable. 
The sadness I experience around that issue finds no relief in today`s world as I understand it.
Changes are inevitable, but sometimes it seems that it is for the worst. It requires a lot of faith to believe that what we in the name of modern "civilization" have destroyed will somehow be able to grow again in a different or better way.

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