Sunday, May 24, 2009

Did ja git that?

I like reading my partner's posts. It's like unwrapping a Christmas or Birthday present.  I get curious and excited every time I enter the address and go onto our blog.  Picture a big smile on my face while I savor every entry he has made.  It's like I'm looking into a part of his creative mind and deeper into his soul.  I know him well and get to know him better with every character typed.  I beam with pride.  

Look at our differences.  He gets to quote Aung San Suu Kyi and the US Immigration lottery manual, while I quote Madonna.  Now who has the more purposeful life?  

The idea of having a blog is not scary to me.  Putting myself out there is something I have practice with.  I'm not afraid to reveal my deep passions and desires especially on the World Wide Web.  Do they call it the World Wide Web anymore?  

But what if I don't have any words of wisdom or deep passions?  What if I don't know who Aung San Suu Kyi is, or if I never saw Dances with Wolves?  The latter is true.  What do I have to add to the blog? Up until this point, just a bunch of questions.  Writing does not come easy for me and that's no excuse.

So I will continue to open my gifts and wonder if mine are good enough.  

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