Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tahquitz Peak "Eeeduulvieeld" (Idyllwild,CA) April 26. 2009

One of the many precious things we have in common is the love of hiking in nature or, even better go backpacking in the wilderness. In such pristine natural beauty, I find an infinite source of peace and serenity. It always works as an incredibly powerful tool to reconnect with the Universe and that safe rock within  myself. One of the most immediate result is that, our two souls then feel like united. Nothing negative interferes between us during those precious moments. They inspire insightful sharing that can be remembered when down times come back.  
Tahquitz peak, last April, was one of these many hikes we have been so lucky to go on since we met almost 2 years ago, so full of light, and peace. 
I call it absolute luxury.

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