Thursday, May 21, 2009

Starting is easy... Now what happens?

I don't know how to start.  What do I type about?  Is this just another project that I've jumped into without any thought?  

I certainly have a lot to say, especially when it comes to writing about the person I love more than anyone else.  We thought it would be a good idea to post notes to ourselves in a blog, but I need to set some ground rules for myself first.  Perhaps this answers the first question.

1.)  I will not plan to post something everyday.
It might seem like a good idea, and I know some people who do post every day.  Given our lives today, it is just not realistic.  I will not get down on myself or on Pierre if we don't use the sight as it was intended. Or if we don't have time to post every day.

2.)  Like my writing journal, it does not have to be perfect.
I'm not a good writer in general.  Sometimes I'm insightful, and sometimes my writing is mundane. We won't even go there about grammar, spelling and punctuation.  I won't beat myself up for imperfection.

3.)  I will try to stick to the purpose.  
The purpose is to profess our love.  Sometimes that is insightful, and sometimes it is not.  As we've come to realize, the day to day is not to be taken for granted.  We love each other.  Great! So what?  Who cares?

I care.  

Perhaps that answers the second question.  Starting my relationship with Pierre was easy because my heart told me it was the right thing to do. I quickly realized that I had found my soul mate.

Just like jumping into my relationship with Pierre, I've taken action on jumping into a web log. 

If I had every email address in the world, I would send a message with the link to OUR blog so they could read only three words.

Randy loves Pierre

I want everybody to know, but more importantly, I want Pierre to know.

That is the purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, now I've read all that you've posted and find that you started your blog near the time I began my own blog. Tho we have different directions on what we plan to blog about, I like that you're as new to this as I and will look forward to following your expressions of love, your poems and how your blog may grow. Hope ya don't mind.
