Thursday, May 21, 2009

a search for meaning

 « Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power as Adler taught, but a quest for meaning. The greater task for any person is to find meaning in his or her life. Frankl saw three possible sources for meaning: in work (doing something significant), in love (caring for another person), and in courage during difficult times.”

(from Harold S. .Kushner`s foreword  in “Man`s search for meaning” by  Viktor E.Frankl.

I am still reading “Man`s search for meaning” by  Viktor E.Frankl. It`s been one of my recent very insightful readings. At about the same time we watched (1st time for me) the movie "The Schindler list" a few weeks ago. There are more funny ways to spend leisure time, but since then I have been remembering more easily that I have a lot to be grateful for what I have in my life today. P.

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