Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Too early French morning for politics...

It`s 6:36 am here. My guy`s Skype is off already....He just went to sleep I guess. That darn 9 hour time change! 
I would have liked to be able to talk to him this morning. So I`ll confess my thoughts to our blog instead.

Latest news: the decision to uphold prop 8 in California (not a surprise I hear), and Sonia Sotomayor nominated at the supreme court . 
Is the wind pushing us towards the other side of the Atlantic if we are hoping to ever get the same rights as straight couples (including immigration- or just mere working rights)? 

Obama may not be as progressive as we all have envisioned him.
For sure he has less power than we would like to think.  
Yes he has "serious" priorities!
Economics and politics make gay rights sound like a secondary issue...
I imagine that like any politician would easily figure it out, his reelection in 2012 with the frank support of latinos weighs more in the scale in terms of potential votes than those of the gay community. It`s mathematical.

Whatever it is, it makes me wanna go back to sleep.
I wish I could hold my guy in my arms and just stop worrying about things I have no control over anyway. 

Perhaps we will have to very seriously consider living in Europe one day if we ever want to have a common life. I have to let all this go as all the rest and trust that our love will be stronger than politics. Sometimes in history when freedom and equality were obviously dismissed, it was for the best in the long run. 

Look at Spain. Would that surprising country be so progressive today if Franco had not ruled the country at some point? 
Would Germany look like today if it was not for the horrors of the third Reich? 
Would  the French revolution have existed and inspired so many (including the United States) if it was not because of the shameful inequalities of the "Ancien Regime"?

So I am going to sleep...
for the five remaining minutes I can!

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