Monday, June 1, 2009

Broken embraces

« Broken embraces »

Some movies have that power to take me to very profound layers of myself. Some actors or actresses, as well, but more so, certain film directors: Pedro Almodovar is definitely one of them.

His very distinctive style, twisted stories, recurrent transgender or homosexuality references and esthetics on the verge of some controlled "cheesiness" -is there such a word?- does probably not seduce everybody though.

In order to really get into his world, I personally must agree to get lost at first.This phase works as a ritual that I recognize as his trademark. Then the magic operates in very subtle  and yet simultaneously  exaggerated tragicomic ways. Strokes after strokes the gradual puzzle appears  as a the artist gives birth to a painting on his canvas.

Every Almodovar movie is a sensual and intellectual experience that I know I will savor avidly. I am inevitably seduced by his flamboyant creativity and sensitivity. But besides the colorful and often melodramatic atmosphere for which Almodovar is a real master, I am always deeply moved by the tenderness and compassion with which he  depicts and analyses his characters, and women in particular.

When the end (unfortunately) comes, I feel like I am more human, more sensitive and wish I were more creative. I am aware that I have been embarked on a trip to a parallel world: a world of “subtle exaggerations” with blatant beauty and real (com)passion.

In « Broken embraces », separation, death, passion and tragedy are once more a the rendez-vous as familiar and truculent ingredients. 

I could not help thinking about the passionate feelings I have for the one I love when tears come even if fortunately, my life is not an Almodovar movie in an opera setting.

I had turned off my cell phone during the movie. But when I switched it back on the following text message from Randy appeared on the screen: ”Wow! Out of the blue, I just felt an amazing deep and profound love for you. Thought you should know”.

I am so grateful that I know, and am being reminded regularly.



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