Thursday, June 4, 2009

Castles in spain...

My so beloved foreign-born-who-forces-me-to-the-exile-and-sorrow-until-I-die-husband.

Yes I sooooooooooooooooooo love you, and sooooooooooooooooo want to live with you. 

So we are like Judith, Martha, Rickard and the 36000 others bi-national couples in the US who have to live 30 billions miles away from each other in spite of their love.
That`s  a lot of people we have something in common at least.

I read part of the CNN article you sent me on same sex couples and immigration rights, and I am of course thrilled that this issue is starting to reach the congress or senate levels.

But the US still have quite a ways to go until they can really be a country of freedom! even if it could be worse for us:

I was reading yesterday that in Spain, the first case of same sex marriage murder happened recently.
"He kills his husband" said the title, (with a long knife stuck in his husband`s back for more details).

Some gay rights activists are now requiring from the Zapatero government to help them finance -like it did for straight couples- a special organization that deals with harassed, physically abused, gay husbands.

So I think we  should both come live to Spain where we can get married, have the same rights, both learn a foreign language (so we are equals on that level), have the right to walk naked in the streets at any time (that`s the law and not a joke !), and all that with the sea,the  sun,wonderful weather year round. And when you can`t stand me anymore and will threat me a long knife, I can get help from the Spanish progressive government...

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