Saturday, June 20, 2009

London Tea House

One of the things that I've been doing to prepare for your arrival is to download songs on iTunes and burn compilation CDs.  I love music, as you know from my melodic voice.

So there's this one CD that I've had for many years.  It is a project of alternative 90's gothic type artists who got together and created some very depressing music which tends to be one of my favorite types.  The project was called, "This Mortal Coil." 

Several songs are my favorite.  I can remember listening to their music over and over and I never got tired of it.  Then other albums filled its place and I stopped listening.  So when I had the opportunity to add my CDs to my iTunes, I pulled out all my old music.  I uploaded one song in particular from This Mortal Coil.  It's very instrumental with just a few lines at the end of the song.

I can remember singing to the song and remembering how much I loved the end when the voice said "In a London Tea House, In a London Tea House."

I thought it was strange when I read the title to be "It'll end in Tears."

When I listened to the song again after putting it on iTunes, I replaced In a London Tea House with It'll end in tears.  Wouldn't you know; it fit.  I had been singing it wrong all these years.

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