Sunday, June 14, 2009

Back blogging

It's nice to head back to the blog after a couple hectic weeks at work.  I've read my lover's posts with a smile on my face and profound joy in my heart. I'm so proud of you baby!  I've learned some things these past few weeks. Maybe I've re-learned some things.  Maybe that's what it's all about. 

Lesson Number 1:  Don't wash your iPod.  Accidently I left my iPod in my shorts when I put them in the washing machine.  I heard this loud clinking sound during the wash, but I did not investigate.  When I opened the door after the final spin cycle I saw the trademark white earbuds and made the connection that the noise was more than a button hitting the class of the front-load washer.  It was coming from my 3 month old blue metallic shuffle.  When I talked about this with my kids they said, "But we know better."  That was exactly my point.  We do know better, but lessons like this happen anyway. It's like when they remind their Kindergarten buddies not to run on the blacktop, but they do it themselves.

Lesson Number 2: It's like this every year. The responsibilities, pressure and feelings are always the same, but I forget.  It's hectic.  The days are long and seem to drag, yet it still seems like there's not enough time to do anything.  There are many things scheduled and deadlines to meet.  I'm pulled in many directions.  Add to that the weather, (yes it is still gloomy) on top of my masters class and I can quickly feel overwhelmed. And then... 
It's over... 

I got it all done.

I have no more work responsibilities for a few months.  In spite of all of that, I still woke up yesterday feeling like I had too much to do, and not enough time do to it.

But it's like this every year.  When will I learn?  Why don't I remember?  When will I give myself a break and remember that I will get it all done?

The good news is that after a week of plugging in my iPod, today it must have been dry enough to take the charge.  I don't know if it still works, but at least there are signs of some life.  Maybe that will be true for me too.  Eventually there will be signs of life.  It was true last summer and the summers before that. 

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