Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Equal rights

I've read from the same meditation books for over 12 years now.  Sometimes I remember the readings and subjects and sometimes I don't.  Even the ones I remember, I'm impressed with how they can take on a different meaning depending on where I am spiritually, physically, and emotionally.  Today was one of those readings that I don't remember at all.  It's like I've never read it before even though I know that I have.

It said, "Love exists only where freedom exists.  Create relationships that are equal.  There you will find love."

I will not cite the book or author.  Sorry Melody.

I couldn't help thinking about what is going on with a couple of our friends.  If I look at the core, I think perceptions on all parts are creating inequality.

I couldn't help thinking about comments that are sometimes made about our differences, in language and health both physical and emotional.  I think some perceptions of inequality exist there too.  I tend to feel less than rather than equal to.

So if this reading is true, then I have some work to do.  Even though I've read this page before, I was not ready for the message until now.  Today I am ready to hear the message.  I will ask for help in taking the action.  I will ask my closest friends and the Universe to help me sort this out and guide me in the right actions to take; friends that I feel on an equal basis with.

Which leads me to my second reading today which was, "We don't have to do it alone."  This one I have heard before.

The growing never stops.

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