Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dates to Remember

It was two years ago today that I first saw the love of my life in France.  My soul mate.

There are things that I hold dear to my heart and will never escape my memory.  I remember walking into the fenced off area that held the bikes and seeing him fitting another person for the ride.  Little did I ever imagine that three days later we would be together. Better yet, two years later we would be getting together again.

I got an email from someone else who was on that trip.  It was nice to read from him.  Time passed and I had forgotten about him.  I wrote back and said that Pierre was on his way.  It felt nice.  Somehow when we are together it feels right.  Even when we are faced with the challenges of the circumstances, I don't care.  It still feels right.

It's funny, I'm terrible with dates.  I am not one to be sentimental or remember birthdays and anniversaries.  They are not important to me, but this one is.  

I'm not one to go back in time and rehash the past, but this date I do remember and I don't even have to try.

It's not everyday that one gets to join up with the person that movies and songs are made of.  I don't wonder if he exists anymore.

Not everyone gets a chance to look at another person and feel their heart beat faster with unexplainable delight.

Some people don't want to work at sustaining that connection in spite of circumstances, but I do.

What seems to get stronger is my commitment to our relationship.  What drives that commitment is my profound love that does not go away; instead it grows.

Happy Anniversary my baby.

I Love You!

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
