Monday, June 22, 2009


I liked the last two readings in Journey to the Heart.  I read them both today.  

Yesterday's was about being in the right place.  The final quote was, "You're right where you need to be.  Maybe you've been there all along."  I know this is true, but I don't always remember it.  I guess that is why my morning routine is so important.  I get to read these pages that I have read before, but they take on different significance each time, and they remind me of the good things that I sometimes forget.  

Sometimes I think that where I am is not where I need to be.   I think that because it doesn't feel good that it must be wrong.  Instead, I was reminded to look at it from the perspective that I'm learning and growing. That's not always comfortable and easy. When I look at it from that perspective, it doesn't feel so bad.  Plus, I have the experience that it will pass.

The second reading was about forgiving your inner child.  I usually don't buy into the inner child shit, but I could relate to the scared little child that sometimes wants to influence my actions.  The reading suggested that I be gentle with that child, and that I am grown now and I know how to live on my own.  This is something else that I sometimes forget.  The final quote was, "Watch for your four-year-old.  This child may never completely leave you, but you don't have to let him or her run the show."  Sigh...just something else I needed to remember.

Of course it was something else that I needed to remember otherwise, it would not have been put in front of me to read.  I took the action to open the book, but I did not write the words.  If my goal is to have a purposeful life, then I have to look at each experience as having some kind of lesson.  In these lessons, I am not the teacher, I am just the student.  For once, I don't have to make lesson plans, but I do have to show up for class.

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